In 1983 the Golf 2 superseded its successful predecessor. As the GTI variants had enjoyed cult status ever since the first launch on 9th September 1975, this time also the idea was seized to offer a sporty vehicle broad appeal in the form of a GTI. The GTI that was available from August 1983 was regarded as the superlative Golf which skilfully combined the features of a sports car with those of an everyday car. Its 1.8 litre four-cylinder engine offered a capacity of 112 hp with a top speed of 191 km/h. As before, this 2nd generation GTI caused the hearts of many tuning enthusiasts to beat faster. Often the installation of a twin headlamp grille with decorative red frame was a must. Accessories in the engine compartment such as a 16V intake bridge was popular. The Golf 2 GTI was made until 1992.