Main Features
Gun and Interior:
- slide-molded mantlet with realistic weld seams and internal surface detail
- gun with full breech assembly
- slide-molded muzzle brake
- chamfer in lower part of mantlet
- gun sleeve ring with screw details
- gun sight and hand wheels are included
- recoil and recuperator cylinders are truly represented
- gun breech and recoil guard are fully reproduced
- gun can be elevated up or down
- complete gun mount is represented
- floor pattern is correctly done
- interior details in combat compartment
- radio set is included
Upper Hull:
- slide-molded superstructure
- commander’s hatch with interior details - can be assembled open or closed
- commander’s vision ports made from clear parts
- antenna base with correct shape
- periscopic gun sight is made from clear part
- screw heads are accurately reproduced
- StuG III Early Production MG gun shield
- loader hatches can be assembled open/closed
- roof armor with accurate weld seam
Engine Deck:
- fenders made from slide molds with both upper and lower surface details
- fender pattern is accurately portrayed
- slide-molded engine deck
- cooling air-intakes are slide-molded
- photo-etched cooling air-intake grills
- jack is reproduced with multiple parts
- cable heads are slide-molded
- metal tow cable
- fender struts are made from separate parts
- tool box with padlock produced by slide molds
- mounts for air-intake cover are accurately reproduced
- cleaning rod clamp with tiny wing nut
Lower Hull:
- one-piece slide-molded lower hull
- fully detailed hull bottom includes weld seams
- lower hull sides come with full detail, thanks to slide-mold technology
- torsion bars are included
- frontal add-on armor plates with crisp bolt details
- detailed track tension adjuster
- exhaust pipes with hollow ends made by slide molds
- final drive housing covers are separate parts for maximum detail
- steering brake inspection hatch can be modeled open or close
Wheels and Track:
- accurate sprocket wheels
- idler wheels with photo-etched parts
- road wheels with accurate details
- detailed suspension swing arms
- shock absorber in extreme details
- updated 40cm Magic Tracks